Meet aeo.
The most capable service robot working today: day after day, night after night, taking a load off the hardworking people it serves, meet aeo.
See howIntegrate aeo into your organization's operations with ease.
Make scalable upgrades by adding services and robots as needed.
Plug & play tools and accessories to suit the task at hand.
Let's discuss your pain points and plan solutions that meet your challenges.
We can showcase aeo in person and allow you to get familiar with our solutions.
Our INSTANT deployment features can make aeo yours in just a few hours.
Unlock additional functionality over time.
Maintenance, repairs, and software updates.
Incorporate the latest hardware and software.
Experience the benefits of aeo without upfront costs.
Find the subscription plan that suits your needs!
The most capable service robot working today: day after day, night after night, taking a load off the hardworking people it serves, meet aeo.
See howdisinfect
Decrease infection risk without adding harmful chemicals to your environment.
Maintain a safe environment for residents while reducing your staffing needs.
Free your staff to focus on their essential work and leave the deliveries to aeo.
Patrol services for public and private spaces with always-on, real-time monitoring - at a fraction of the cost.
Select as many as you want.
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